Right, Betty?
Oh, God.
Oh, fuck.
Who is Sammy's father?
I don't know who Sammy's father is.
Because you've had so many
sexual partners?
Objection. Plaintiff's sexual history
is irrelevant, Your Honor.
Miss Conlin, who is the gentleman
entering the courtroom?
Mr. Paul Lattavansky, Your Honor,
Miss Aimes' high school teacher.
We've subpoenaed him
as an impeachment witness.
I have so many objections,
I don't know where to start.
- Witness will answer.
- Again:
- Miss Aimes, who is Sammy's father...?
- My son...
...has got nothing to do with any of this.
Is it true that you and your teacher...
...Mr. Lattavansky, had a sexual
relationship at one time?
A "relationship"?
What the hell you been
telling them, Bobby?
Miss Aimes, did you not, at the age of 16,
engage in a sexual relationship...
...with your high school teacher?
Oh, Josey, stay a moment, would you?
I'd like to have a word with you.
What are you doing hanging around
a boy like Bobby Sharp?
You have so much more going for you...
...than a kid like that'll ever have.
Do you like me, Josey?