...has got nothing to do with any of this.
Is it true that you and your teacher...
...Mr. Lattavansky, had a sexual
relationship at one time?
A "relationship"?
What the hell you been
telling them, Bobby?
Miss Aimes, did you not, at the age of 16,
engage in a sexual relationship...
...with your high school teacher?
Oh, Josey, stay a moment, would you?
I'd like to have a word with you.
What are you doing hanging around
a boy like Bobby Sharp?
You have so much more going for you...
...than a kid like that'll ever have.
Do you like me, Josey?
- Far as teachers go.
- Yeah.
You're my favorite student.
Did I ever tell you that?
- No.
- Yeah.
- Josey?
- Yeah?
I'd like to think of you
as more than that.
No, no, it's okay.
Maybe even as a friend.