The boy is discharged.
- Clear the office.
- Damn me.
Clear the office!
Clear the office!
Next case.
Come on. Move along, sir, please.
Just move along, sir.
There's a good gentleman, sir.
Hold on, Harry. I'll give you a hand.
Mind that step.
Just mind that step there.
Make way for the law, sir.
- Careful. Careful with him.
- He seems very young too.
Call a coach, pray.
- Yeah, right away, sir.
- I'm sorry.
Poor boy.
- Mind yourself, madam.
- Thank you, sir.
- Got one, sir.
- Thank you, officer.
Let me, sir.
There we go.
- Will you drop me off, sir?
- Of course.
All right.
If you could just take his head, sir.
- Where to, sir?
- Pentonville.
- Pentonville.
- Yes.
Answer me! Where is he?
Answer me! Where is he?
What's become of the boy?
Speak out, or I'll throttle you!
The traps have got him!
Let go of me, will you?!
Who pitched this here at me?
Who done it?
Come in, you sneaking warmint.
What you stopping outside for?
Lay down.
What you up to, Fagin?
Ill-treating the boys again?
A wonder they don't murder you.
I would, if I was them.
Don't speak so loud.
You seem out of sorts, Bill.
Give us a drink.
And mind you don't poison it.
Good stuff, Bill.
So, Dodger...