There's a good fellow. You may start
by japanning my trotter-cases.
In plain English, clean my boots.
What a pity he ain't a prig.
He don't know what's good for him.
I suppose you don't know
what a prig is.
Yes, I do. It's a...
It's a thief.
You're one, aren't you?
Yes, I am. And so we all are.
Down to the dog...
...and he's the downiest one
of the lot.
And the least given to peaching.
He wouldn't so much as bark
in a witness box...
...for fear of committing himself.
- He's an out-and-out Christian, he is.
Why don't you put yourself
under Fagin, Oliver?
You'll make a fortune out of hand.
Like your old gentleman
in Pentonville. Big house, that.
I had a peep at it, I did.
Nice inside, was it?
Yes. And I slept in a proper bed.
In my own room.
- Good stuff on the walls, eh?
- Yes. Indeed.
Put yourself under Fagin...
...and you'll be able to retire
to a property just like that.
And do the genteel.
No, he's scared
he'll come to be scragged.
I don't know what that means.
If you don't take pocket handkerchiefs
and watches, Nolly...
...some other cove will. You have
the same right to them as they have.
To be sure. To be sure.
It all lies in a nutshell, my dear,
in a nutshell.
Take the Dodger's word for it.
He understands the catechism
of his trade.