Put yourself under Fagin...
...and you'll be able to retire
to a property just like that.
And do the genteel.
No, he's scared
he'll come to be scragged.
I don't know what that means.
If you don't take pocket handkerchiefs
and watches, Nolly...
...some other cove will. You have
the same right to them as they have.
To be sure. To be sure.
It all lies in a nutshell, my dear,
in a nutshell.
Take the Dodger's word for it.
He understands the catechism
of his trade.
- I've come from Bill.
- For what?
- For no harm.
- I don't believe it.
If I could help you, I would,
but I've not the power.
Now, I've promised him
you'll be good and silent.
If you're not, you'll only do
yourself harm.
And me too.
Did he come quiet?
Like a lamb.
Sit down.
And let me read you a lecture.
You know what this is?
- Yes.
- Well, then.