On a Clear Day

You can do it at home.
(Breathes rapidly)
- Won"t be the same at work without Frank.
- You got the boot as well, you dozy pillock!

He might have a heart attack.
That happens, doesn"t it?

Work, Monday.
Redundant, Tuesday.

Heart attack, Wednesday.
Frank will be all right, then. Today"s Thursday.
What in the name of total insanity
are you wearing?

- Och, l had nae clean ones.
- Tell me they"re not your mother"s.

Don"t be daft. They"re big Janine"s.
- She left them in the pub on Friday.
- Don"t let Frank catch you wearing them.

- l knew they"d come in handy.
- For what exactly?

What if l get run over?
Frank won"t be coming swimming tonight.
l"m glad l got out when l did. lt"s turned nasty.

Frank could have stayed like l did.
The men respect him.

All he had to do was let them upstairs think
they were running the job.

Man"s too pig-headed for his own good.
- Frank, l didn"t mean...
- Leave it, Eddie.

See you in the pooI, then.
