- Och, l had nae clean ones.
- Tell me they"re not your mother"s.
Don"t be daft. They"re big Janine"s.
- She left them in the pub on Friday.
- Don"t let Frank catch you wearing them.
- l knew they"d come in handy.
- For what exactly?
What if l get run over?
Frank won"t be coming swimming tonight.
l"m glad l got out when l did. lt"s turned nasty.
Frank could have stayed like l did.
The men respect him.
All he had to do was let them upstairs think
they were running the job.
Man"s too pig-headed for his own good.
- Frank, l didn"t mean...
- Leave it, Eddie.
See you in the pooI, then.
- Frank?
JOAN: Excuse me.
Frank, where are you going?
EDDlE: Frank!
JOAN: Oh, my God!
Hey, man. Hey!