- that spells trouble.
- Okay.
The devil wears a gray skirt, my friend,
and her name is Kimberly Joyce.
Earlier this week, in detention...
I could have sworn
she was coming on to me.
Of course she was coming on to you.
Do you want to know why
she was coming on to you?
'Cause she knows
you can't do anything about it, that's why.
And forget English, Math, Science.
For them,
high school is all cock-teasing 101.
And I got news for you.
Those two are on the honor role.
I mean, look at them.
Look at them over there.
Whispering. Giggling.
You know exactly what they're saying, too.
Brittany, God, Mr. Nicholl is so sexy.
I mean, he's got such a cute ass.
You know, one time I saw Mr. Nicholl
when he thought I wasn't looking.
He picked a booger out of his nose,
and then he ate it.
You know what, Perc?
Any moment now, they're going to walk by...
and they're going to bat their eyelashes,
and they're going to wave.
Just the fingers, not the hand.
And they're going to expect us
to respond like big drooling lapdogs...
which, ordinarily, we would.
But guess what? Not today.
Because it ends right now.
We're going to give them
the barest of acknowledgment.
A simple head nod, if they're lucky.
Tonight, they're going to lie in bed,
wide awake...
and they're going to wonder why.
They're going to wonder,
"Where has my power gone?"
- Hi, Mr. Anderson.
- Hi, Mr. Nicholl.
- Hi, girls.
- Hi, girls.
God damn it.
Show me, where is it? Come on.
What, do you not speak English?
Come on, show me. Where is it?
What? Just show me where Palestine is?
What's going on? Randa, are you okay?
All I'm asking is she locate Palestine
on a map. Okay?