He is waiting foryou.
He came all the wayfrom Japan...
just to film you singing.
He's Ken-ichi's father.
The Japanese guywho visited you often.
Please sing.
Ken-ichi is sick.
Please sing for him.
Come on.
Why are you crying?
I'm not in the mood for singing.
I just can't.
I'm thinking of my son.
I can't stop thinking about him.
I envy Li.
He doesn't hide his feelings.
It is a blessing...
to be able to express one's emotions.
If I could reveal myfeelings like this...
my relationship with Ken-ichi would be different...
I don't think...
we can film the operatoday.
Li cannot sing.
Tell MrTakatato come back.
Let me knowwell in advance.
Please tell him.
"Stop crying, Li."