And they buried him in the hole.
Worked tão hard in benefitOf the baseball for boys.
- I Will Speak with the Committee.- We Will Go amanhã?
It based in a Very Real Rumor.
1963 already is arriving!
Everything began in the end of yearof 1962, in my people of...
Pasadena, Califórnia.
When this man andThis woman puied to bed.
He had only 21 and she 42.
Happy New Year!
'They SAY FOR THERE''It translated by Ivoglo'
6 Months afterwards finished thatventures, when the youth...
If puied to bed with another one person.
Não was an anyone.The unique daughter of that woman.
And for that the things were complicatedmaís, three days afterwards...
The daughter be married another man.
Nobody knew toVentures of the fiancée.
Nobody, clear, except its mãe.
That could have been the endOf the story, but não was him.
In the following springIt published a book.
The author was a colleagueOf studies of the youth.
Não of the that married, of another.Already know...
What puied to bed with the mãe and the daughter.
The names were changed,but that não avoided that...
Pasadena did whatBetter it knows to do.
- Puied to bed with the son of its friend.- They Say that was Mary Beth.
- With the boy Bianchi.- Mary Beth não has a daughter.
Não, but his son is a homosexual.