Salaam Namaste

the Archana Sarees cash register.
Unlike his father, the millions.
wouldn't make life worh swatting away.
Perhaps it was fear that drove him
to pass the medical entrance test

But now, homesick in Australia,
he's regretting his decision.

Vey nice, Jignesh. Good job.
Fory ! - But why ?
Because l know,
you've skipped homework..

..and you'll copy it off me,
so twenty more.

When dad finds out that
he's sponsoring..

..the education of two instead of one...
Long live Archana Sarees !
Now give me a hundred dollars more.
- What for ?

Because a friend is always
there when you need him.

Forget it. Why don't you go rob your dad ?
Amby... l'm sory.
lt's just a loan damn it !
l won't charge you for
the next five classes.

But, a hundred dollars...
Simone's wedding.
l need to buy a dress.

Simone's... getting married ?
Why ? Didn't you get an invitation ?
Don't feel bad, next time you will.
By the way,
l'll need your car tomorrow.

Okay ? Thank you ! Bye !
Why the hell do you want
to ruin my reputation ?

You forgot the bay leaf,
the cardamom is almost non-existent

And please, eveybody, come here.
Just because salt is cheap does..
..not mean we need to put it in everything.
We are not in lndia now...
please, go easy on the salt.

Now, l need to go and pee.
Promise me...

You won't use the next five
minutes to ruin another dish.

Promise me !
We promise, boss !
Thank you ! Excuse me.
Looks just like home-cooked food.
- Thank you boss

So who needs to eat out ?
They could have just made this at home.
