spilled Evian
all over my boots.
That's two more grand
for the boots.
You know what?
Step your game up a little bit.
You're taking me shopping.
Nice to see you, too.
Get the fuck in the car.
Now, to the average dude,
that alone would be enough...
but I'm not lazy.
Tell them
I want my money by Tuesday.
Like I told y'all,
I'm addicted to getting money.
So, I hit a select few with
a couple of burns at a time...
but also break them down
brick by brick.
There's some key, halves.
There's some quarters.
There's some eighths...
ounces, half-ounces.
I even cook
the shit up myself...
because I got to get
all them extras.
I chop it up, bottle it up.
You see it, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Pass some dimes, nicks, tres...
two for fives,
even two-dollar bottles.
If I could,
I'd pitch them shits myself...
but there's
only 24 hours in a day...
and there's only one Dame.
You see, I'm an executive,
a businessman.
Some even call me a CEO.
And in
my international quest...
for greatness
and worldwide domination...
you know
I couldn't do it alone...
so I have a lot of ill crews...
set up in
a lot of different places.
Man, pull over.
What the fuck is that?
Now, the Dip Set
ran Harlem for me...
bein' young Juelz Santana...
Jimmy Jones...
He's buggin'.
And the leader of that clique...
And like
any good Harlem crew...
they handled their business
with style and class...
and above all,
they were very subtle.
Close the trunk.