No, sit tight. Don't leave the house.
lt's a quarantine.
You're a dull person, Grinya.
How did you manage to get Khrapov?
l received a letter:
'State councilor Fandorin is in charge
'of Khrapov's security'.
Plus full description of his appearance. And
the same signature: DBD.
Why do they call you Neddle?
lt's like this.
You pierce it in here
and it is simultaneous death.
Don't you trust yourself?
l fear prison, that stone sack.
Aren't you afraid of anything?
Only betrayal.
lnform the center:
We communicate via the telephone.
Why didn't you ask Larionov's address?
Because engineer Larionov is our agent.
lt's a provocation!
The front door...
He said: 'l'll take some fresh air'.
Let us leave.
- What about Rakhmet?
- Let's go!
...my humble person.
Check in the loo.
Keep sitting!
What are you sneering at?