Aren't you afraid of anything?
Only betrayal.
lnform the center:
We communicate via the telephone.
Why didn't you ask Larionov's address?
Because engineer Larionov is our agent.
lt's a provocation!
The front door...
He said: 'l'll take some fresh air'.
Let us leave.
- What about Rakhmet?
- Let's go!
...my humble person.
Check in the loo.
Keep sitting!
What are you sneering at?
Your jokes are no more.
Pull yourself together.
Can't you see through people? Can't you see
we received wrong information?
They are no terrorists,
but decent public.
You call them public?
l asked you to be more delicate, didn't l.
l'll kill you, bitch!
We need her alive!
- Gentleman. l'd ask you...
- Tell me your name!
Esther Litvinova.
- To the precinct!
- l won't let you do this.
Why did you arrest them?
She was shooting at me an officer
performing his duty!
lt means gallows for her!
She wasn't shooting at you.
lt's one.
Two: you aren't wearing a uniform.
Three: don't tell me about
performing your duty.