Statski sovetnik

Joking aside:
they expect prompt results from us.
This murder is a slap in the face
of our country,

an infringement upon our system.
How this crisis will tell on your careers
is not the point.
The point is: it's either us or them.
- Where is the prisoner?
- ln the interrogation room.

- ls he not speaking?

Even worse: giving us the lip.
Arrange tea brought to me
in the interrogation room.

- You drink it with sugar?
- And you?

l want to meet your prisoner.
Who is this Pussy in Boots? Purr.
Why did you strap him?
Asian barbars. Unstrap him.
He's desperate, he can attack you.
Unstrap him.
You may go.
Oh, my Jesus!
Mister Seleznev!
l examined the results of your bertillonage
and had my doubts: everything jibed
and l couldn't believe this luck. This here
is Nikolai Seleznev,
