Statski sovetnik

Who is this Pussy in Boots? Purr.
Why did you strap him?
Asian barbars. Unstrap him.
He's desperate, he can attack you.
Unstrap him.
You may go.
Oh, my Jesus!
Mister Seleznev!
l examined the results of your bertillonage
and had my doubts: everything jibed
and l couldn't believe this luck. This here
is Nikolai Seleznev,
that very Seleznev who killed his commander
and fled from the fortress.
You are sent by fate itself.

Now everything will go like a song.
lf l were more exulted,
l would kiss you in the lips.

And then you would hang me.
Oh no.
The tea is poor, eh.
No, we are not going to hang you.
We don't need no martyrs of the Revolution.
You'll have mild sentence:
banishment to Siberia.
And we'll write in the papers

ex-cornet Seleznev
extended his precious cooperation to police.
No need to waste rope, state property.
And your dear comrades revolutionaries
will garrot you as you please.
Don't try to scare me.
