Statski sovetnik

But maybe he'll come across
something useful.

lt'll make him busy.
Let us arrange our roles, gentlemen.
You, Gvidon, are our main hope:
you will find the Brigade
and become one of their crowd again.
You'll contact me by the telephone.
And remember:

You will be on your own,
there'll be no shadowing you.

My word of an officer.
What a scoundrel!
He said it'll be make-believe.
And he has just left.

Andrei, don't let that man in
ever again!
Poor thing.
lt will heal over.
Julie Lenard's Parlor
- Julie.
- Green!

l need your help again.
You said you knew some specialist on loans,
big loans. Mister Trump,
as far as l remember.

Oh yes: Trump.
l need a big loan urgently.
Could your specialist come to Moscow?
lt's very important.
Yes, l will bring him myself,
he is very suspicious.
We'll come by tomorrow train.

Very well.
Green is our chief.
Emelya is a super lad, smart and risk-happy.
Excuse me, Erast Petrovich,
you're good at crime detection,
but we've our special methods here.
