Okay, what's all the ruckus, Dick?
Satellites have picked up
nuclear debris...
...blowing around
the Pamir Mountains.
Every international news service
on the planet...
...will have this story
in less than 24 hours.
Look, a warlord tripped
and fell on his warhead.
- We were never there.
- That won't fly and you know it.
Look, I'm following
my tasking orders, Dick.
Somebody else wants to make
a different story...
...let them use their imagination.
Right now
I got a renegade airplane...
...I got a dead pilot and another one
who may not make it back to base.
I don't give two shits
what they say on CNN.
Did you know that the UCAV was
having problems when you cleared it?
Planes malfunction every day.
You know that better than anybody.
Doesn't mean every precaution
wasn't taken.
Things go wrong.
Access denied. Access denied.
Access denied. Access denied.