Access denied. Access denied.
Access denied. Access denied.
Talon 2 to Combat Control.
Regressing VFR direct to Mother
at 60,000 feet.
Port wing inoperative.
Starboard canards frozen.
Oh, no, no, no. Come on.
Stay with me, big girl, stay with me.
Come on.
Start eject
and autodestruct sequence.
- Countdown. Twenty-five...
- Talon 2 to base.
Flight control's degraded
to one in five.
Backup electrical drive X'd out.
Hyd one is gone. Hyd two...
Oh, shit!
My position: 38-54-45 north.
127-31-22 east.
- Where the hell is that?
- Seventeen...
- North Korea.
... 16...
... 15, 14...