You see that?
That's where we're going.
- I'll route the left. Let's do it.
- All right.
A little insurance for you guys.
We bored out these propane valves.
Should give you a nice flame for four or five feet.
Scare anything that tries to come close.
Enough for a couple of blasts.
- Kim, give me a hand with this.
- Yeah.
Jack's ill, Tyler. He's not fit to lead anymore.
- He's not the man we started with.
- He's my brother.
I told you no!
Hey, be careful!
- Get the rope.
Get your ass back down here, Charlie!
I'll be all right!
The girl's quick, man. Get the rope.
OK, I'm on belay.
Let's find a route. Let's go!
Top, you got it?
Damn, that girl moves fast.
Be careful up there, Charlie!
Charlie. You got good holds to your right.
- Keep moving right.
I think shes over the edge.
All right!
How the heck are we gonna follow that?
She went over the bump. She's good.
I can't even see her.
I got it here. Keep feeding it out.