I told you no!
Hey, be careful!
- Get the rope.
Get your ass back down here, Charlie!
I'll be all right!
The girl's quick, man. Get the rope.
OK, I'm on belay.
Let's find a route. Let's go!
Top, you got it?
Damn, that girl moves fast.
Be careful up there, Charlie!
Charlie. You got good holds to your right.
- Keep moving right.
I think shes over the edge.
All right!
How the heck are we gonna follow that?
She went over the bump. She's good.
I can't even see her.
I got it here. Keep feeding it out.
There we go.
How's it holding?
How's it holding, Tyler?
Looks good.
Talk to me, Charlie. What's going on?
Is the line set? Ready to climb, Charlie.
Jack, I'm over the edge. I can feel a draught.