and-and politely take part
in Vietnam; the sequel?
[Audience Murmuring]
Well, uh, l- I can't speak
for Sir Bernard-
Oh, I thought that's
why you were here.
I mean, diplomats have
to go where they're sent.
So do Labradors.
- Ouch.
- [Murmuring]
Well; I think that; no; Sir Bernard
would no doubt argue...
that when, um, peaceful means
are exhausted, then-
Mr. Quayle; they're not exactly
exhausted; are they?
I mean, they're just- they're just-
No, they are just lying
in the way of the tanks.
No; l-l-let's face it.
We've taken 60 years...
to build up this international organization
called the United Nations,
which is meant to avoid wars,
- and now we just blow it up
because our car's running out of petrol.
- Sit down, Tessa, for Christ's sake.
- L- I think-
- Hold on a minute.
Let's see what he says.
I think the questioner
is making a valid point,
and that a nation's foreign policy...
- should not be determined
by narrow commercial interests.
- That's bullshit.
That's bullshit.
You have to take responsibility.
You are being paid to apologize
for this pathetic country of Britain,
and he can explain to us why we've burned
our diplomatic credentials...
and why we're killing, you know,
thousands of innocent people...
just for-just for some barrels of oil...
and a photo opportunity
on the White House lawn.
[Sighs; Sniffles]
Are you all right?
Yes, thanks.
You were courageous.
No. No; I was completely rude.