Ripado do subpack oficial por:fIrECooL [ www.legendaz.com.br ]
Oh; thank you; Arnold.L- I can manage that.
But I still don't see why you couldn'twait a couple of weeks.
Why go all the way up to Loki?
Well; we wantto hear Grace Makanga speak;
and she won't be coming to Nairobi.
I see.
Oh, sweetheart, don't botherto see us off. It could be ages.
Okay, well-[Kissing]
It's too hot to be standing around.If you're sure.
Bye.Bye, Arnold.
Let me take your bag for you.Thank you.
Bye, sweetheart.
See you in, uh- in a couple of days.
[Metal Clanging, Creaking]
[Man Shouting In Foreign Language]
- [Foreign Language]- [Chattering On Radio]
- [Foreign Language]- [Radio Continues]
[Truck Doors Close]
[Truck Departs]