The Constant Gardener

Boss gets wind of something;
calls in his head of security;

who talks to someone;
who talks to a friend of someone.

Finishes up with an answering machine
in a rented office;

a couple of sensitive gentlemen
in a blue pickup truck.

They will never know
who ordered the hit.

I can get you out of Kenya.
It's one of the few things
we still do well.

Drop it now, and it's over.
I'll make sure word
gets to the right people.

Go home... and live.
But I don't have a home, Tim.
Tessa was my home.
Know about Bluhm?
What about Bluhm?
Let me tell you
what you're facing.

They dragged him into the desert,
cut out his tongue,

chopped offhis manly apparatus
and stuffed them where his tongue had been.

Then they crucified the poor bugger.
Pathologist's opinion is
he was still alive when they nailed him up.

Of course; you might be lucky.
It might be in their interest
to make yours look like suicide.

Which it is.
Balance of mind disturbed.
No fuss, no inquiry.


Well, thank you for the warning.
You've been very kind.
I was afraid you'd say that.
In case you meet any bandits.
