Kioko, hello.
Do- Do you remember me?
I've been looking for you.
No trouble.
You're not in trouble.
I just want to talk to you.
Is this the clinic
where Wanza was treated?
[Woman Speaking Foreign Language]
[Foreign Language]
[Foreign Language]
[Crying Continues]
I cannot help you without-
[Foreign Language]
Can I help you?
Why-Why was that lady
turned away?
She refuses treatment.
But she seemed to want
to have treatment.
She's a T.B. Patient
who discontinued her treatment.
Her card was canceled.
Isn't that all the more reason
to inoculate her child?
This is diphtheria vaccine.
What is your business here; please?
My name is Quayle.
I'm from the British High Commission.
Do you see any of your countrymen
here, Mr. Quayle?
Uh, excuse me one-
May I see your card, Kioko?
I see. This is in Wanza's name.
That's the family-
It's a family medical card, right?
And what does "I.C."mean?
It means informed consent.
It means they consented to treatment
and have family medical entitlement.
And that treatment is Dypraxa?
But if they don't give consent,
then they lose the right to medical care?
It's not much of a choice; is it?
I suppose they're not even informed
that they're testing a new drug?
- I don't make the rules; Mr. Quayle.
- Mr. Quayle?
Will you please
come with us?
Kioko, there's your card.
Thank you.
[Foreign Language]
[Kioko Murmuring]
Why is the child
being questioned?
It's okay.
[Foreign Language]