[Train Whistle Blowing]
It seems our erstwhile colleague
has disappeared.
Four days ago he lunched
in London with Pellegrin,
who describes him as overwrought;
after which he visited his wife's lawyer...
before going off our radar.
The poor man seems
to have convinced himself...
there was a conspiracy against Tessa
in which we are all complicit.
Lfhe has left the U.K. ;
he did so without a passport.
Therefore; any contact from Justin
must be reported to me immediately.
In his own best interest.
No point asking if you've
heard from him, I suppose?
No, no, Tim, none at all.
Birgit, why are ThreeBees spending
$70 million testing Dypraxa for KDH?
I mean, is the African market
worth that much?
Tessa, you have to understand
the scale of this.
There is a T.B. Epidemic coming.
It will affect the entire world.
Or; put into the language that stock
exchanges all over the world understand;
if the T.B. Market performs as forecast;
billions and billions of dollars
are waiting to be earned.
And the boy to earn them is Dypraxa.
Lf; of course;
the preliminary trials in Africa...
have not thrown up
any disturbing side effects.
[Speaking German]
[Man Speaking German]