How did you know where I'd be?
I've still got a friend or two; you know?
We're marked men; Quayle.
They've called in my fucking bank loans.
I'm finished.
They want you silenced.
And they want another country's flag
flying over my pharma division.
So, you've been asking
about Wanza Kilulu.
She's under there,
covered in quicklime.
Her and 62 others
who never officially existed.
Is that where I'm going?
Not on my agenda.
Then why are you
showing me this?
Let's just say
if I'm going to the wall,
I want a trophy.
That's what you lot do,
isn't it? Heads on walls.
I think I'll have Pellegrin's
fucking head on mine.
So, now you know where it is.
I'm not taking any fucking questions.
[Engine Starts]
What about Lorbeer?
That Bible-thumping bullshitter,
he's doing his penance in the Sudan.
Jesus the healer.
You don't know where I'm going?
You get one guess.
I'm gonna surprise you, Tess.