The Constant Gardener

Cherish her, man. Cherish her.
One of God's finest creations.

Now I'll show you
what the devil's up to.

[Children Singing]
[Singing Continues]
[Native Language]
Our treatment center.
Pretty crude, isn't it?

Well, I've seen hospitals
little better. In Nairobi.

So have I. Gharan, what surprises
have they got in store for us this month?

Have you checked those things?
Ja? Should be 40 boxes.

Free medicines; Mr. Black.
Most of them well beyond
their sell-by date.

The drug companies donate them.
It's a tax break for them.

Disposable drugs
for disposable patients.

Out here they have
absolutely no shelf life.

Safest thing to do
is incinerate them.

Big pharmaceuticals are right up there
with the arms dealers.

This is how the world
fucks Africa, Mr. Black.

Blood on their hands?
It's how they expiate their guilt.

the aid agencies, everybody.

This whole machine
is driven by guilt.

Is it?
And now you will sample
my goat stew. Come with me.

So tell me; Robert;

do you believe an individual
can redeem himselfby good acts?

[Clears Throat]
I do; yes.

Maybe the redemption
is in the struggle, huh?

God has your head.
The devil has your balls.

So which particular devil had yours?
Oh, you don't want to know
about that, Robert.

What's your paper
really interested in?

In the big
pharmaceutical companies.

African guinea pigs.
Cheap trials for unsound drugs.
