I have, uh, chosen a text I know
Justin and Tessa would approve.
It's an epistle.
"My Dear Sandy:
Your na: I: Veté is beyond belief.
"Knowing our arrangements
with KDH and ThreeBees,
"you send me
this half-baked report...
"by some bleeding heart
diplomatic wife and her black lover...
"and ask me to take action.
"The only action required,
apart from shredding the thing,
"is to keep a tighter rein
on your resident harlot.
"I want to know what she does;
where she goes; whom she meets.
"The issue here is deniability.
"If nobody told us
Dypraxa was causing deaths;
"we can't be held responsible.
"But, my dear Sandy,
should it ever become known...
"that we've closed our eyes to the deaths;
"none of us would survive the scandal.
"I still have great hopes of you.
My love to Gloria.
[Chattering Continues]
Yours Sincerely; Bernard."
[Shouting Questions]
This way; sir.
What do you have to say; sir?
[Shouting Continues]
It was a bizarre sort of suicide.
His body bore no fewer
than eight bullet wounds...
from three different guns,
none of which was the one
found in his hand.
So who has got away with murder?
Not, of course, the British government.
They merely covered up;
as one does; the offensive corpses.
Though not literally. That was done
by person or persons unknown.
So who has committed murder?