[Horse Neighs]
- Get down!
- [Gunshots]
- [Grunts]
- [Shouting In Native Language]
Abuk.! You okay?
Come with us; quick. Run.
Wait. Wait!
Be careful!
Abuk, be careful!
Hurry on up!
Where have you guys been?
Sorry about that, Jonah.
- I'm sorry. I can't take the girl.
- I'm not leaving her.
- We're only allowed to evacuate aid workers.
- Well, to hell with what's allowed.
I'll- How much do you want for her?
- Look, there's $800.
- Don't embarrass me.
You can't buy this. The rules
are made for good reason, please.
This is a child's life!
There are no rules to cover that!
Look, there are thousands
of them out there.
I can't make an exception
for this one child.
Yes, but this is one we can help! Here.
Abuk.! Abuk.! Abuk.!
Listen; that's the way it is here.