The Interpreter

Hello, Philippe? Hello?
No prints on the door
and negative for latex dust.

- Nothing on the door?
- No.

- No forced entry.
- Did Doug not see him?

No, he missed it.
Some lady called 911, saw the guy.

Go easy on him, OK? He feels terrible.
On the roof. He must have gone over the roof
to get to the next building.

- I couldn't see the fire escape.
- Give me that.

You mean you screwed up.
- I mean I screwed up.
- So did I.

I need Polaroids of that, inside and out.
- You OK?
- Great.

- Who else has a key to this apartment?
- No one.

- You don't keep a spare outside somewhere?
- No.

- No one else has a key...
- Nobody.

- The door wasn't forced.
- They can't pick locks?

They can, we can tell. They didn't.
- Where do you keep your key?
- My purse.

- It hasn't been out of your sight all day?
- No.

In my locker.
Dot. Wake up Rory, have him dust her locker
and those beside it before morning.

So you were just having a quiet evening,
some gentleman in a mask waves to you.
