Who are you?
The real question, Senora de la Vega,
is who are you?
The devoted wife of a wealthy don?
Or an independent woman held
captive by her husband's secrets?
What do you want?
Your help.
I tell you, de la Vega,
women say they want one thing...
...but what they really want
is everything else.
Think of this as a vacation
from the shackles of matrimony.
Isn't it possible
our wives marry us...
...because they want to spend
some time with their husbands?
So let me understand this.
If I take your advice...
...I can look forward to spending my
days pruning in a tub of naked men?
Thanks for the advice. But no.
Where are you going?
To beg Elena's forgiveness.
Goodness me.
Might one of you be
Don Alejandro de la Vega?
Phineas Gendler, attorney at law.
I'm here on behalf of your wife.
If you should have any questions,
my address is on the letterhead.
Good day, sir.