Effervescent, yet tenacious.
I thought you were forbidden to drink.
What the...?
I need at least one vice
to keep in touch with sinners.
Who owns this vineyard anyway?
A count recently in from France.
I'm told he purchased it
from Don Gallo's widow.
French count, you say?
He's probably still in his parlor
putting on makeup.
Or his perfume, perhaps.
Rumor has it they invented it
to avoid bathing.
And you are...?
De la Vega. Alejandro de la Vega.
You're de la Vega.
What an honor.
I've heard so much about you.
Really? From whom?
You know, I'd love to
continue this conversation...
...but I'm wanted elsewhere.
Please excuse me.
I just met the most charming fellow.
And who might that be?
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome.
I still don't know why
they call it a winetasting.
After two glasses
you can't taste anything.
Friends, Californians.
This vineyard represents what I hope
will become an industry...
...that depends on the people
for its success.
Involving them
instead of exploiting them.
That's what America means to me.
The promise of a country
by the people, for the people!
A country blessed
with limitless beauty.
But none more stunning
than my escort for the evening.