I just met the most charming fellow.
And who might that be?
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome.
I still don't know why
they call it a winetasting.
After two glasses
you can't taste anything.
Friends, Californians.
This vineyard represents what I hope
will become an industry...
...that depends on the people
for its success.
Involving them
instead of exploiting them.
That's what America means to me.
The promise of a country
by the people, for the people!
A country blessed
with limitless beauty.
But none more stunning
than my escort for the evening.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...Senora Elena de la Vega!
Well, I'm pooped.
Come on, let's go.
I don't wanna go.
I'm having so much fun.
Monsieur and Madame Lupon.
- Pleasure, madame.
- Thank you.
Very nice to meet you.