We had a deal. Remember?
That's it.
Yes, that's better.
Short, quick breaths.
Now you're going to do
exactly what l tell you, Dylan.
You know why? Because you just had
a brief glimpse of the place you're headed,
and it wasn't pretty, was it?
l didn't think so.
Now. Let's get down
to business, shall we?
She'll be soaping up soon.
Feeling better? OK.
Away from the window.
Sit down.
Not there. There.
Hands on lap.
Whatever you're looking for,
you won't find it if l'm dead.
l work for a boss who prefers
to extract secrets from corpses.
They tend not to lie so much.
All right.
This is how it works, Allison.
l'm here to kill you.
lt's that simple.
l don't know what you're hiding, or why.
l never do.
This is purely a job, an assignment.
- Understand?!
- Yes.