
- I'm Headmaster Powers.
- Man, this is the nicest principal's office...

Yeats wrote, "Education is not just
the filling of a pail, it is the lighting of a fire."

Cheating in an exam, Mr. Stokes,
quenches that fire in an instant.

- An embarrassment for us both.
- I was a little embarrassed, I can't lie.

But it wasn't cheating per se,
'cause Ashanti didn't know the answer.

Do you know why I allowed you
to be admitted mid-semester?

Affirmative action.
Mr. Stokes, please.
Thank you.
Well, your references are impeccable.
You come from a respectable
and affluent family.

You have support
from a lot of important people.

But above all, your transcript suggests
you have a great deal of promise.

I suggest you take everything
that this fine school has to offer,

because this is your first
and only warning.

One more indiscretion
and you will be expelled.

- Understood?
- Understood.

Good. Well, I trust I won't
have to see you in my office again.

No doubt, baby. Holler.
Yo, yo, yo, yo! Seem like y'all
need some color on the court.

It ain't a basketball team
till you reach the one-brother quota.

I wanna go ahead and apologize to you
about parking in your spot.

- It's my spot, actually.
- OK.

Well, we haven't met yet.
How you doin'? I'm Tre.

Rob. You're in the way of our practice.
You wanna head over there.

- Yeah, it's real, man. You should take off.
- Let's play some ball, man.

What is your deal? You're parking in
our spots, you walk all over our practice...

- What do you want?
- Come on, easy.

Hey, I like that. You think you can get him
to wash my car when we finish playing?

- You know what? You're finished now.
- Wow.

So long, Tracy.
Have a good practice, buddy.

You got some angry skills there, dog.
I think you mean mad skills.
