- I'm going with option "B".
- That's my boy.
- Have you talked to him about it?
- No. I'm playing hard to get.
Oh, but haven't you slept
with him the past five nights?
Well, not real hard to get.
She really is a little badass though.
And fun to hang out with. Laid back.
Maintenance fees are really low.
I like that.
Yeah, she's a cool chick. I'd do her.
Hell, I'd probably even pay.
I would.
I don't know, man. I'm not even
thinking about Amy right now.
- Who are you thinking about?
- Chet Miller.
Come on, man!
You're wracked with regret
just because some old fuck-boy
classmate graduated college?
Are you gonna take
the assistant manager job?
Wait. How the hell
do you know about that?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You know this place.
People with the day off
already know.
Half of me is like take the job. I could
really use the money. It's a smart move.
But the other half's like,
"Am I fucking nuts?"
Do I really wanna
end up like Dan?
Hey, Rocco?
It's Dan down at Shenaniganz.
Got another one for ya.
All right.
Not on my watch.
And there you go, folks.
Damn, boy. What the hell
took so long?
Well, you had
the two well-done steaks,
so it usually takes
a little while to cook.
Yeah, well, could you
get me some more ketchup?
Sure. No problem.
Nothir sets off the flavor
of a steak like some ketchup.
And his mouth tasted
just like buttermilk.
Hey, Monty? Could you
drop off my food, please?
I can't deal with
that bitch anymore.
No problem.
It's go time, Mitch.
Hey, there, ladies. Amy's busy
so I thought I'd bring your food out.