
But I still have
some salad left.

Oh, well, would you like me to take the food
back and bring it out in a few minutes?

Yeah, and let it dry out
under the heat lamps?

Just give me the food.
Okay. There you go.
Wait. Did that waitress
listen to a word I said?

This steak is medium rare.
I asked for it medium. And I wanted
extra gravy on my mashed potatoes.

Let me ask you something.
How hard is your job?

How intelligent do you have to be
to take a food order?

- Jesus!
- Ma'am.

Ma'am, you're absolutely right,
and I apologize.

I'm gonna get this fixed
for you right away.

Good. Now I can
finish my salad.

Gentlemen, we have our first
official bee-atch of the day.

Oh, come on, guys.
She wasrt that bad, was she?

Well, Amy, it's your table.
You decide.

She was a fucking bitch!
Do it.

Yo, we need to get
some fucking hydroponics

so we can grow
our own shit, yo.

Hells, yes. Soon as we get the hydro,
we can run this city like the fuckir mob.

I swear, we gotta grow it, smoke it, sell it.
We'd be a fucking pimp.

Yo, and you know the bitches
be lovir that shit.

We'll get more fuckir puss
than Busta, more than Dre,

more than fuckir Snoop Dogg.
So it's on then?
We're getting the fucking hydro.

We're gonna run this city
like the motherfucking mob.

The first thing we do is add a little extra gravy
to the mashed potato.

Ah, that's it. Good job, buddy.
Nice one.

Followed by a thin spread
of cheese for your garlic bread.

- Some "fromunda" cheese.
- Yeah, make us proud.
