Excuse me, sir.
You forgot your change.
No. That's for you.
That's your tip.
Oh, no, no, no.
I insist. You take it.
You obviously need this
more than I do.
I wanna speak to your manager now, please.
This is horse shit.
Okay, Mitch, you see what
Dean did there?
Don't ever do that.
- What, did he stiff you?
- He might as fucking well have.
Two bucks on a $63 check.
Oh, damn.
That is pretty shitty.
For insulting me I should get some free
gift certificates and a key chain and a hat.
Absolutely, sir. Yes.
And how about a couple of sundaes
with some nuts on 'em?
Yeah, I will have Natasha
take down all your information,
and I will make sure corporate
sends those to you.
You're gonna mail me a sundae?
I want it now.
Get in here. You wanna explain to me
what the heck you were thinking?
Insulting a customer like that?
You're right. I know.
I know. He just...
I'm having a really bad day, Dan, and that guy
caught me at the worst possible moment.
- I'm sorry. I lost it.
- You're sorry?
I don't understand.
I've never gotten a complaint on you.
And you had to pick the day
I offer you a promotion?
I promise you it won't
happen again, okay?
Opportunity is knocking at the door.
If you don't wanna answer it, fine.
There are people who
would jump at the chance.
Calvin is chomping at the bit
for this job.
I am offering you an opportunity to take it
to the next level, earn more money.
I want an answer by the end
of your shift... tonight!
And Dean,
this is an exploding offer.
I don't work within
the exact boundaries of the law,
because I wasrt consulted
when the goddamn laws were made.
No, instead, nameless,
faceless politicians,
the so-called protectors of the moral majority
decide what is right and what is wrong.
I mean, come on!