I govern my life around my own personal code
of ethics, and I suggest you do the same.
That way if, within the constructs
of my own morality
I were to do something
that was considered illegal, so be it.
I feel no guilt whatsoever.
And furthermore, if I were to buckle
under the social weight of the system
by adhering to laws that
I do not truly believe in,
then I would be extinguishing the very fire
of patriotism and individuality.
It's... It's so...
In a sense,
by having sex with Natasha,
I'd be preserving the rights our forefathers
fought and died for, right?
- Well, I guess...
- Bro, it was a rhetorical question.
Okay? So...
Oh, hey, Dean. I heard Dan yelling at you.
It was kind of crazy.
You think you're still in the running
for the assistant manager?
Did you ever just wake up and realize,
"Holy shit. I'm a fucking loser."
Yeah, man.
God, I just wanna be able to say,
"I wanna be a teacher," you know,
or a podiatrist or
a fucking electrical engineer.
Just have a fucking clue!
Hey, who has a clue, right?
Hey, I don't. Hello?
I don't know what's going on.
Hey, could you put down
the ice pick?
- Sorry you had to hear that guy yell.
- Oh, it's okay.
You shouldn't have to be
subjected to that.
You're way too sweet.
- Way too cute, too.
- Stop it. You're gonna make me blush.
Bet you drive the boys wild
at your school.
Maybe. I don't really like
the boys at my school.
No? Why?
I prefer older men.
Really? Wow.
I like a man in power.
Yeah, well, being a manager,
obviously, I know what you mean.
It takes a lot of power to command the respect
of everybody at the restaurant.
- That's true.
- Yeah.
We should go to dinner sometime
and talk about it.