I'll bring my manager card,
and we'll just eat for free.
As they say,
membership has its privileges.
What's up with you?
What are you still doing here?
Christy asked me to work for her,
so I'm working a double.
Time-out. Isn't this
your only night off this week?
And you're using it to work
a double-shift for Christy?
Wait. You actually have to get the pussy
before you can be whipped by it.
- That's right.
- You guys suck.
- Yes, we do.
- Wait. Didrt you take out Christy last night?
- Yeah, we went out last night.
- Come on, man! Details!
Fuck the details. I wanna know.
Did you do it? Did you make a move?
- What do you mean?
- Don't give me that shit. You know.
- Did you kiss her? Rub against her skin?
- Cuddle with her? Rub her leg?
- Hold her hand?
- Nipple tweak? Anything?
- No, I'm still...
- Oh, my God!
I need more time.
- Forget it. It's over. You're fucked.
- Not literally.
- Why? Because you won't pull the trigger.
- And you're too fucking nice!
Why do you always say that?
I'm not...
- What happens with every girl you like?
- Nothing!
You take 'em out, you pay for everything,
and you never make a move!
Then you home, alone, to masturbate
while you cry, using your own tears...
That was once, and I was drunk
and it was Valentine's day. So back off.
Don't try to candy coat it.
All we ever do is hang out and have sex.
What are you talking about? Didrt I take you
to the movies last week, huh? Huh?
Yeah, but you kept trying
to get me to jerk you off.
What do you want?
It was a dull movie.
Yeah, but I just get the feeling
that you don't care.
I don't care?
I don't care?
When my uncle died, didn't I ask
you to be by my side at the funeral?
Yeah, but you kept trying
to get me to jerk you off.
How many times can we have
the same exact conversation?
It's like we're stuck
in a time paradox
where neither our wisdom nor your virginity
will ever escape.
I attempt to make a move.
I get in close.
I'm there and I just get...