As if by some form of slut magic
you'd appear. Now why is that?
Because at first, I really
liked spending time with you.
I thought you were a genuinely
interesting guy to be around.
Very true.
But eventually, it all wore thin.
I realized that your personality
was just one short punctuated
joke after another,
much like our sex life.
And, oh, Monty, do you remember
why we stopped dating?
Yeah, I do.
Because you were old news.
I was looking at other girls and getting bored.
Basically, that was why.
Yeah, yeah. All that.
And the fact that I dumped you.
- Wait, I thought you said you dumped...
- Shut up, Calvin.
I was just trying to let you down easy,
but this is bullshit.
We both know that you enjoyed
having sex with me.
The only real pleasure I ever got
from having sex with you
came from making fun of it
later with my friends.
- Tell him, Amy.
- It's true. We laughed a lot at your expense.
So you know when you're walking past
a group of people, you hear them laughing,
you sometimes get that paranoid
self-conscious feeling?
Maybe they're laughing about you
when they're really not?
Well, in your case,
they really are.
God, I love her.
Oh, hello there.
Thank you for joining our family
at Shenaniganz bar and grill.
It is our goal to maintain the absolute
highest standard in all aspects...
Hey, man.
We all had to watch it.
I'm gonna come back and get you after
the dinner rush. The tape should be done then.
Well, I mean, I guess. L...
...of our most sacred
company policies
to ensure that you have
all the skills necessary
- to uphold our standard of excellence.
- Shit.
Are you ready? Well, okay.
Follow me.
All right, men.
This is it.