Warm Springs

- Expecting someone?
- Yes I am.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a young
gentleman by the name of Botts.

- I... don't know anything about that.
- Fred Botts?

I expect he'd be
in a wheelchair.

- Oh, the cripple.
- One moment.

- He's in the baggage car.
- The baggage car?

It's okay.

You're in Warm Springs.
You made it.

Here we go.
Mr. Roosevelt.
It's going to be
all right, son.

I'm sorry about this,
Mr. Roosevelt.

The conductor wouldn't let me
ride in the passenger car with my chair.

When did you
last eat, son?

- I ate at Knoxville.
- Knoxville must have been two days ago.

- Roy, take him to the car.
- Yes, sir.

Who in their right mind
lets a child ride in the baggage car?

You could have
killed that boy!

He had polio,
probably still contagious.

Don't dismiss me
because I sit in this chair.

Get away from me!
You've had polio.

You ignorant son of a bitch!
If I could, I'd get up there right now,

lock you in that baggage car,
see how you like it.

You get this lunatic
away from me!

Crazy bastard!
- Where's the nearest hospital?
- Atlanta.

- What about a doctor?
- Closer but not by much.

Let's go home.
