Warm Springs

I'm sorry about this,
Mr. Roosevelt.

The conductor wouldn't let me
ride in the passenger car with my chair.

When did you
last eat, son?

- I ate at Knoxville.
- Knoxville must have been two days ago.

- Roy, take him to the car.
- Yes, sir.

Who in their right mind
lets a child ride in the baggage car?

You could have
killed that boy!

He had polio,
probably still contagious.

Don't dismiss me
because I sit in this chair.

Get away from me!
You've had polio.

You ignorant son of a bitch!
If I could, I'd get up there right now,

lock you in that baggage car,
see how you like it.

You get this lunatic
away from me!

Crazy bastard!
- Where's the nearest hospital?
- Atlanta.

- What about a doctor?
- Closer but not by much.

Let's go home.
How many can pay?
Fewer than half.
I want these people in
the cottages, not the inn. It's safer.

Well, it's the way
it has to be.

What do you mean?
There've already been
some complaints.
