I'm throwing myself
to the wolves.
You've faced worse.
If they bite you,
come back here.
I'll always come back here.
All right.
From the great state
of Missouri...
...to the great state
of Michigan,
and the Garden State
of New Jersey...
- No!
- What d'you mean no?
I mean get out of here.
Hey, what the hell
are you doing?
Good to see you,
Mr. Roosevelt.
Thank you.
Thank you, Roy.
...and the great state
of Rhode Island.
Where is
she seated?
She's in the front row
balcony on the right.
I'd like to introduce you
to a man
who as Assistant Secretary
of the Navy
served his country
with distinction.
He is a member of an illustrious family
of long standing...
Louis, what the hell
am I doing?
You're putting your
big toe in the water.
...Franklin Delano Roosevelt!
Let's go, son.