- Hi, Mama.
- What did your father tell you?
- 'Bout what?
- About playing with your sisters.
Oh, that one.
A family that plays together... um...
stays together...
even if it means
taking your dumb sisters.
l gotta go.
But you can't go.
You can't leave me with the girls.
Come on, Thumper.
You gotta take us to see the groundhog.
Why don't you go with your friends
to see the groundhog?
But l want to stay with you.
Yes, well...
l have to check
on the South Meadow and it's very far.
You go see the groundhog.
l'll meet you there later.
Oh. OK.
l'll meet ya.
Hey, Thumper, wait for me!
- You sit by me!
- No, no!
Quiet! Um...
First one there's who l sit by.
- Hooray! lt's gonna be me!
- Uh-uh, it's gonna be me!
Sheesh! l'm sure glad
your father let you come.
Oh. He understands.
He-he and l are best pals.