-May I ask you something ?
-Uh huh. Ask.
-Do you like Anton ?
-Do you ?
-He's kinda strange.
-I sense that he's afraid...
-Not like he's afraid of a woman,
and not even afraid, just... kinda...
-Keeps you at an arm's length.
-Yeah, something like that.
-Nothing strange about that: in the future
you're a big sorceror.
and he is barely Category 3.
-But I'm a woman first.
and I really don't care what Category level
he is.
-I love him and...
-Hey ! Careful !
-You're going all wacko now !
-Listen, its of course not my business, but
I want to tell you - are you listening ?
-I think that he too, loves you !
Loves you very much !
-He's just afraid. He's afraid that a time will come