Have a try at it.
Coo, governor, that was a slide.
- It was good, wasn't it?- I should say.
You beat the record, that's what you did.
Did I, now?
Look at Albert.
He fell!
- Don't you like sliding, son?- Yes, sir. It's great sport.
Come on then. Try and beat my record.
No, thank you, governor.I'm not very good at running.
Here. Get up on my back.We'll show them how to slide.
Thank you, sir.
- What's your name, youngster?- Tim, sir. Thank you, sir.
- Well, come on, Tim. Here we go.- Thank you.
We'll really do this slide.We'll make a record together.
Here we go now!
Hold tight.
There we are. Wasn't that lovely?
It was wonderful.It made my stomach all wobbly-like.
- Yes. We're a team, that's what we are.- I don't suppose you ever fall down.
- Like Albert.- Fall down?
Who, me? No.