Dive Bomber

Lucky, Pearl Harbor. I've just been
detailed to be your assistant.

Remember you?
You're a window in the house of my life.

Good to see you.
Glad you got transferred.

So am I, sir. I'm a new man
since I got away from my wife.

I feel 10 years younger.
I'm putting on weight.

Lucky, come over here.
It's sure nice to be back with you again.
Thanks, Lucky, right back at you.
There's a babe in the pay office
looking for you.

- A babe?
- Yeah, a blond with a Brooklyn accent.

She's getting an allotment blank
for your pay.

My wife! That can't be!
She couldn't have swum from Honolulu.

I wouldn't put it past her.
Sir, I gotta hide right away.

This can happen to the best of men.
- Go right ahead.
- Thank you, sir.

Head her off. Stop her!
Give me a break, will you?

Where are you going to hide?
How about the Isolation Ward?
Lieutenant, you got genius.
Come on!

Yeah, but, Lucky, can't you...?
Where is he? Where's my husband?
- Mrs. James?
- In person.

He's in there, but you can't go in.
He's a very sick man.

He'll be a lot sicker
when I get through with him.

I hate to tell you this,
but they're afraid he's got:

If that ever gets in the arm, the whole:
The neck starts:
Comes down the... on the racetrack.
And any time you go into... the... and:
It's very serious.
Whatever that is,
it's too good for him.

Don't get too close.
It's very contagious.

You see, ma'am,
how it comes and goes?

- And so will I.
- And so will I.

Head up.
All right. Down again.
Feel dizzy?

- Yes, sir.
- It's all right, Abbott.

- It's a perfectly normal reaction.
- Oh, thank you, sir.

- Feel all right?
- Yes, sir.

I can see you are.
Report to the training office.

- Thank you, sir.
- Who's next? You...?
