We better get to customs.
- We thought we'd lost you.
- We wanted to say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye. Just au revoir.
Is a sad time.
I want to tell you one thing.
There was no lady as popular as you.
- Thank you.
- Au revoir!
- Don't forget to write soon.
- I promise, Deb.
- Make a point of it.
- Goodbye.
What is this?
Hellos, goodbyes, look-me-ups...
- I wonder where my luggage is.
- There are the Vs.
- Knock me over with a feather.
- Not you, roly-poly.
Where did you get your new figure?
- I met a very clever doctor in Rio.
- Keep quiet.
Johnny, my boy, how are you?
- Whas the program?
- Dr. Jaquith.
I cabled him I would be half an hour.
Will you tell him
about your boyfriend?
Which one?
- Thank you.
- They're cork-tip.
Make sure you get the right end.
Thanks for the instructions.
If I were you, I'd give up.
After Dr. Jaquith?
Back to Boston. I'm flying at 3.
- Back home.
- I'll come with you.
Hello, Jerry.
June is staying in New York.
No, I wouldn't miss
this show for the world.
I'll stand on the corner
and sell tickets.
- Wish me luck.
- Want me to come in?
No, thank you.
Oliver, take Mrs. Vale home.
Bring the bags up later.
See you tonight.
- Good luck.
- Goodbye.
Hello, William.
- Yes, William, is me.
- Welcome home, Miss Charlotte.
Your mother's waiting upstairs.
- I expect you're Miss Charlotte.
- Yes.